11 September 2013

Blogtember Day 6: Make it Happen

Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
(Yes, I do realize that I spelled 'either' wrong in the picture, but I don't have the original picture saved- courtesy of Google images- and I don't feel like looking for it and editing it again. Okay. To the topic now!)

I think my life changed when I read the book, The Secret. I have always considered myself positive, or at least more positive than all my friends, and even they admitted so (I had some pretty pessimistic friends). But the way I viewed everything, the way I viewed the problems I faced, the people I met, the things I saw… the way I viewed my life and surroundings, changed: I could see, or at least try to see, the bright side in everything. I started believing that I could do what I put my mind to. I still tell my best friend that “your thoughts become things” whenever she has a negative thought (it was mentioned in the book).

And one change led to another change, and I became more organized. I began to value time more; if we’re going to Beirut and I forget to bring a book with me for the one hour and thirty minutes drive, I feel so bad because I can’t simply waste this much time doing nothing!

One of the quotes that really stuck out to me from the book was one by Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, wither way you are right."; and I think- no, believe- that everyone should live by this quote.

When was a point when your life changed? :]


  1. Sena! Why dont i like this book?! And i dont think of reading it!!

    1. You should try it though, it really opens your eyes to the things you can do and accomplish! :]

  2. My friend Majd said the same thing about it... Which is why I bought it


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