18 September 2013

Thursday To-Do List (Updated)

I started school today. Did I mention that I started school today? Anyways, I did. I was supposed to start on the 22nd but I changed schools. I'm back to my old school! Tomorrow's to-do list:
  1. Buy a school uniform. (Update: Can't. They don't have my size and won't get the new uniforms before the end of this month. This sucks, because wearing a uniform is so much easier than getting up every morning and looking for something to wear.)
  2. Cook for kiddos (not exactly, mom got everything ready and I just need to put water and put the pot on the stove).
  3. Remind mom to pick glasses up at 2 o'clock by calling her. (I'm SO excited to finally get rid of my old glasses. Pathetic I know.) Done! Here are my lovely glasses:
  4. Buy school supplies. (notebooks and pens)
  5. Start copying school notes (The school started about a week ago and so I have so much to copy. Sigh. Any help in copying the notes is highly appreciated! LOL)
I'll update the list tomorrow. (Updated.) What are your Thursday plans? :]


  1. Sennaa! ♥______♥ it's amaazziinnggg to have you back hon =D
    & i'll help with the copying, you know how much i like to write ;P
    AYA♥ xoxo ♥

    1. Thank you Aya!
      LOL I have to admit that you have one of the best hand-writings ever ;)


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